
Create a campaign with a name, a product code, duration, price manipulation limit and target sales count.

  • Campaign starts after creating and ends after given duration.
  • Duration is given in hours.
  • A price manipulation limit is the maximum percentage that you can increase or decrease the price of product according to demand.
  • Target sales count is the product quantity you want to sell during the campaign.
  • You will simulate time in your system. Time will start with 00:00 and it will be increased by you in any amount of hour.
Command What it does
create_product PRODUCTCODE PRICE STOCK Creates product in your system with given product information
get_product_info PRODUCTCODE Prints product information for given product code
create_order PRODUCTCODE QUANTITY Creates order in your system with given information
create_campaign NAME PRODUCTCODE DURATION PMLIMIT TARGETSALESCOUNT Creates campaign in your system with given information
get_campaign_info NAME Prints campaign information for given campaign name
increase_time HOUR Increases time in your system
Steps Example Output
create_product P1 100 1000 Product created; code P1, price 100, stock 1000
create_campaign C1 P1 5 20 100 Campaign created; name C1, product P1, duration 5, limit 20 target sales count 100
get_product_info P1 Product P1 info; price 100, stock 1000
increase_time 1 Time is 01:00
get_product_info P1 Product P1 info; price 95, stock 1000
increase_time 1 Time is 02:00
get_product_info P1 Product P1 info; price 90, stock 1000
increase_time 1 Time is 03:00
get_product_info P1 Product P1 info; price 85, stock 1000
increase_time 1 Time is 04:00
get_product_info P1 Product P1 info; price 80, stock 1000
increase_time 2 Time is 06:00
get_product_info P1 Product P1 info; price 100, stock 1000
get_campaign_info C1 Campaign C1 info; Status Ended, Target Sales 100, Total Sales 0, Turnover 0, Average Item Price –