
Hackschool F17 Final Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hackschool Final Project Spec


What you’ll be making:


You will be creating a SoundCloud-like web application that stores songs (MP3 files, song metadata, album artwork, etc.) in a database and presents these songs to a client (user). The client can also listen to any of the songs in the database, and can add or delete songs. This is your final project, so take it as a chance to apply everything that we’ve taught you this quarter!

First Steps:

Step 1: Fork the Repository

  • Look for the "Fork" button on the top-right of the page, and click it.
  • Select your profile.
Step 2: Download starter code

  • Ensure that the BruinPlay repository is now under your own Github account.

Option 1 - Via Download

  • Click on the green button at the top right corner of the page
  • Click "Download ZIP"
  • Open the starter folder in your preferred editor

Option 2 - Via Git

  • Run the following in your terminal:
$ git clone https://github.com/[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME]/BruinPlay.git
$ cd BruinPlay
Step 3: Install libraries using NPM
  • Run the following in your terminal (once you are in the BruinPlay directory):
$ npm install
  • To start the server:
$ node server.js

Essential Links:

Functionalities Required for Certificate:

  • Display all currently existing songs, along with their metadata (artist, title, album, album artwork, song length, genre, etc.).
  • Add a new song (to server/database) and update website accordingly.
  • Delete a song (from server/database) and update website accordingly.
  • Play, pause, and seek audio player.
  • Show an “Albums” view.

Additional Functionality:

  • Show a history of songs that have been listened to.
  • Filter by genre, artist, etc.
  • Search for a song.

Example Apps:

What you’ll learn:

  • How to independently develop a full-stack web application
  • Front-end web development
    • Provide the structure for a dynamic web application using HTML
    • Style it using CSS
    • Use Handlebars.js for DOM manipulation to dynamically update your website
    • Use a JavaScript library to play audio
  • Back-end web development
    • Create a server that can accept user input (add/delete songs) using node.js and JSON
    • Create a database using MongoDB


  • Brainstorm what views you’ll need and mock out what your application will look like before starting to build it.
  • Focus on implementing core functionalities first before making things look nice.
  • **Build incrementally. **
    • Start by getting the basic structure of the website (HTML/CSS) before beginning to work on the back-end.
    • Next, try to get the website to show all of the songs on the server.
    • Next, try to implement the audio playback functionality.
    • Finally, try to implement adding/deleting songs.
    • Save your files often, and constantly test your website. If you try to build too much at once, chances are your code will have a lot of bugs–and the more code you have, the harder it will be to find them.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your peers or mentors! We’re all here to help each other succeed. :)