
Pure Reactive SpringBoot WebFlux MongoDB WebSocket Chat

Primary LanguageJava

SpringBoot WebFlux MongoDB WebSocket Reactive Chat

Pure Reactive WebFlux MongoDB WebSocket Chat. The chat is built on top of MongoDB's API: Capped collections, Tailable cursors, ReactiveMongoOperations template, GridFS template.

A prebuilt limited-functionality Bootstrap client is included and served by SpringBoot at http://localhost:8080

The full-featured Angular PrimeNG frontend client which supports nick names, file attachments and video streaming can be found here:
Angular 9 PrimeNg chat client.

A small Java stress testing client for this chat:
Stress testing client for WebSocket chat.

Build script for docker-compose (MongoDB profile, Angular client, nginx):
MongoChat build scripts.


JS Bootstrap

Angular PrimeNG

Build and run instructions

Docker-compose (MongoDB profile, Angular client, nginx)

Prerequisites: git, JDK8, docker, docker-compose

1. git clone https://github.com/alexshavlovsky/mongo-chat-ci-template.git
2. cd mongo-chat-ci-template
3. Linux:   sh build.sh
   Windows: build.cmd

MongoDB setup

1. Start MongoDB:
docker run --name test-mongo -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo

2. Set appropriate spring.data.mongodb.host in the application.properties

3. In the application.properties set active profiles:
spring.profiles.active=mongo-service, mongo-grid-attachments

4. Build and run the Spring Boot application. Open the URL in a browser:

5. The Angular client is recommended

No-Mongo setup (in-memory chat, file-system attachments storage)

1. In the application.properties set active profiles:
spring.profiles.active=replay-service, file-system-attachments
2. Build and run the Spring Boot application. Open the URL in a browser:

3. The Angular client is recommended

Video transcoder and video streaming setup (MongoDB and Angular client are mandatory)

WARNING: the transcoding process of a single file may take several minutes depending on the file size

1. Start MongoDB:
docker run --name test-mongo -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo

2. Set appropriate spring.data.mongodb.host in the application.properties

3. In the application.properties set active profiles:
spring.profiles.active=mongo-service, mongo-grid-attachments, mongo-video-transcoder

4. Build and run the Spring Boot application.

5. Use the Angular client: https://github.com/alexshavlovsky/primeng-chat-client.git 

Technology Stack

Component Technology
Backend engine Spring Boot WebFlux
Database Reactive MongoDB
Protocol Reactive WebSockets
Server side thumbnails Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java
PDF documents thumbnails PDF renderer - Java library for rendering PDF documents
Video files thumbnails The JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder) library is Java wrapper on the ffmpeg project
HTML video transcoder Background service using JAVE ffmpeg wrapper (x264 and WEBM codecs are supported)
Video streaming Endpoint that supports partial requests
Caching Caffeine in-memory cache
Frontend engine Pure JS + WebSockets + Bootstrap (limited-functionality)
or (see description) Angular 10 + PrimeNG
Prod packaging Docker Engine Container, Alpine Linux, OpenJDK, SpringBoot JAR

Chat protocol summary

                      /                                \
                     /                          /---Client message--\
                    /                          /                     \
                   /                      Authentication:       Public messages:
                  /                     - hello    (U)        - msg       (M) (text)
        /----Server Message------\      - updateMe (U)        - richMsg   (M) (text with file attachments)
       /          |               \                           - setTyping (M) (repeated every 2 seconds
      /           |                \                                           while the user is typing)
  info (M)    snapshot (U)      snapshotUpdate (M)
  (text)   (list of clients)   (mutation of clients list)
                                - addUser     (new user has been connected)
                                - updateUser  (user has changed his nick and/or uid)
                                - removeUser  (user has been disconnected)

   (M) - multicast messages (these messages are forwarded by the server to each connected client):
           - server-clients: info, snapshotUpdate
           - client-clients: msg, richMsg, setTyping
   (U) - unicast messages:
           - hello     client-server greeting with user data (uid and nick)
                       must be send by a client within first 5 seconds of ws session
           - snapshot  server-client greeting with the list of clients in the chat
           - updateMe  client-server with new user data (uid and nick)

Video transcoder summary

        array of sources
     |                                                      |
     v                                                      |
+----------+  message  +-----------------------+    +--------------------+
| Frontend |---------->| Video file attachmens |--->| Compound Web Video |
+----------+           +-----------------------+    +--------------------+
     ^                     |                           |             ^
     |                     |                           v             |
     |                     |     +-------------------------+     +---------------------+
     |                     |     | Transcoding jobs queue: |<--->|  Transcoder facade  |
     |                     |     | 1 - MP4_480             |     +---------------------+
     |                     |     | 2 - WEBM_480            |             ^      ^
     |                     |     | 3 - MP4_720             |             |      |
     |                     |     | 4 - WEBM_720            |             |      v
     |                     |     | ...                     |             |  +-----------------+
     |                     |     +-------------------------+             |  | Ffmpeg executor |
     |                     |                                             |  +-----------------+
     |                     |    +--------------------+                   |
     |                     +--->| Attachment service |<------------------+
     |  original file           +--------------------+
     |  and transcoded sources           |