
Developer Blogs

Primary LanguageHTML

Are you interested to write a blog post in Gluster dev blog? Why wait, clone the devblog repo and start writing.

git clone git@github.com:gluster/devblog.git
cd devblog

First-time users need to add Author information by running ./newauthor <github-username>.

$ ./newauthor aravindavk
Created Author page(author/aravindavk.md)
Updated author information in _data/authors.yml

Update the details in $SRC/_data/authors.yml file as required.

To write new blog post, run ./newblog <title> to create the markdown file under $SRC/_posts directory. For example,

$ ./newblog "My Awesome Blog"
Created _posts/2019-03-28-my-awesome-blog.md

Happy Blogging!

Installation and Preview

  • Install ruby-devel package(sudo dnf install ruby-devel)
  • Install jekyll using gem install bundler jekyll
  • Install the dependencies from project directory bundle install --path vendor/bundle

From this project directory, run bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl="" and open http://localhost:4000 for preview.


Once the preview is satisfactory, commit the changes and create a pull request. Once merged, the blog URL will be https://gluster.github.com/devblog/my-awesome-blog

Editing help

Follow markdown format to write the post. Additionally, if images to be used in the blog, add the image to $SRC/images directory and use relative URL to include that in the post. For example, ![Alt Text](images/blog-image.jpg)

If the caption needs to be added to the image then use the following syntax.

{% raw %}{% include image.html url="images/blog-image.jpg" description="This is a image" %}{% endraw %}