
A benchmarking tool for ovirt storage environments.


  • ovirt engine sdk
  • psycopg2
  • ansible
  • Paswordless ssh connection between the hosts
  • edit hosts.txt
  • Ovirt Api url
  • Edit connection url and creds in ./presetup/
  • Configure other variables in ./pre_setup/


  • Fork this wilfriedroset/pgbencher and edit $PGBENCHER_ROOT/defaults/main.yml > bench_plan
  • Push changes to your git repository
  • Edit ./post_setup/ > git clone {Your repo here}

To run test

⌁ [pg_bench_test_automation] master+ ± ./

The results will be stored in a folder inside $PROJECT_HOME as (results-master-*)

To cleanup env

This will remove the vm and the disk on which the test was performed

⌁ [pg_bench_test_automation] master+ ± ./