
ezUnpaywall is a mirror of Unpaywall data hosted at Inist-CNRS in France and developed by ezTEAM.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1CECILL-2.1


Ezunpaywall is an API and database that queries the Unpaywall database containing free scholarly articles.

Table of content


Unpaywall is made up of several services which are distributed in several docker containers. Structure

for apikey, enrich, graphql, health, mail and update service, a open api is available on frontend


git clone https://github.com/ezpaarse-project/ezunpaywall 



The tools you need to let ezunpaywall run are :

  • docker
  • npm

Command :

# install dependencies
npm i

# create volume for elastic
docker-compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml run --rm elastic chown -R elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch/ 


# Start ezunpaywall as daemon
docker-compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml up -d

# Stop ezunpaywall
docker-compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml stop

# Get the status of ezunpaywall services
docker-compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml ps


To run tests, you need ezunpaywall to be launched in dev mode with fakeUnpaywall. With that, you can run test on.

# there are alias on root folder
$ ~/ezunpaywall npm run test
$ ~/ezunpaywall npm run test:apikey
$ ~/ezunpaywall npm run test:enrich
$ ~/ezunpaywall npm run test:graphql
$ ~/ezunpaywall npm run test:update

# you can run test for each service
$ ~/ezunpaywall/src/apikey npm run test
$ ~/ezunpaywall/src/enrich npm run test
$ ~/ezunpaywall/src/graphql npm run test
$ ~/ezunpaywall/src/update npm run test



The tools you need to let ezunpaywall run are :

  • docker
  • unpaywall data measured about 130Gb it is necessary to provide the necessary place on the hard drive

Environment variables

Create an environment file named ezunpaywall.local.env.sh and export the following environment variables. You can then source ezunpaywall.env.sh, which contains a set of predefined variables and is overriden by ezunpaywall.local.env.sh.

Details :

Adjust system configuration for Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch has some system requirements that you should check.

To avoid memory exceptions, you may have to increase mmaps count. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add the following line :

# configuration needed for elastic search

Then apply the changes :

sysctl -p


Before you start ezunpaywall, make sure all necessary environment variables are set.

# Start ezunpaywall as daemon
docker-compose up -d

# Stop ezunpaywall
docker-compose stop

# Get the status of ezunpaywall services
docker-compose ps

Data update

You can update your data via update snapshots provided by unpaywall on a weekly or daily basis (if you have API key). in the update service, there is a cron that allows to automatically update the data from unpaywall, weekly or daily.

API Graphql


get unpaywall data with parameters.



headers: {
    "x-api-key": "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

GET "<HOST>/api/graphql?query={unpaywall(dois:["10.1038/2211089b0","10.1038/nature12373"]){doi, is_oa, best_oa_location{ url }}}"


POST "<HOST>/api/graphql"

headers: {
    "x-api-key": "<YOUR_API_KEY>"
body: {
    "query": "{unpaywall(dois:[\"10.1038/2211089b0\",\"10.1038/nature12373\"]){doi, is_oa, best_oa_location{ url }}}"

POST "<HOST>/api/graphql"

headers: {
    "x-api-key": "<YOUR_API_KEY>"
body: {
    "query": "query ($dois: [ID!]!){ unpaywall(dois: $dois){is_oa} }",
    "variables": { 
        "dois": ["10.1038/2211089b0","10.1038/nature12373"],

Response Status: 200

    "data": {
        "unpaywall": [
                "doi": "10.1038/2211089b0",
                "is_oa": true,
                "best_oa_location": {
                    "url": "http://www.nature.com/articles/2211089b0.pdf"

Object structure
