

Primary LanguageJava



mock example:

PersonBusinessService personBusinessService = mockObject(PersonBusinessDao.class). mockTarget(PersonBusinessServiceImpl.class). mockObject(PlayRpc.class). mockField("playRpc"). mockField("personBusinessDao").target();

1 var personBusinessService is tested class object.

2 function mockTarget is uesed to instantiation the tested class: PersonBusinessService.

3 funtion mockObject is used to mock the Oject that mockTarget dependent on ,funtion mockField is used to establish mockObject.

4 groovy tested cas,queryShopping is the function of mockObject ,paraObj is input parameter of mockField,returned json data is reponse parameter of mockField.

case config example:

def queryShopping(paraObj) {

if (paraObj.name == 'test')
    return "{'person':{'name':'shopping'}}"
