Yaml Revealer is a vim plugin which allows you to handle the full tree structure of a Yaml key.
If you often use Yaml files, you know they are very readable at the beginning, but also that they can become a bit harder to read when becoming longer and longer… Yaml Revealer is here to guide you when you're lost.
myVar: "foo"
foo: "foo"
foo: "foo"
bar: "bar"
> specialKey: "Hi"
Moving to the indicated line will automatically make vim echo
myRoot > secondChild > myVar2
Typing :call SearchYamlKey()
will display a prompt to search a specific key.
Search for a Yaml key:
Searching for
will find the concerned line.
Add Plugin 'Einenlum/yaml-revealer'
to your .vimrc
, reload your config and run a Plugin:Install
Thanks to @PedroTroller for his useful help :). Thanks to @ezpuzz for improving performance.