############################################################################# I have long stopped supporting this obviously. This was a proof of concept: create regex parseable 'holes', save a cache to a structure NGINX can find with simple logic, then fill in the holes with AJAX on the client side. I hope someone can continue to improve on the concept, which can be applied to nearly any web application that needs 'help'. ############################################################################# * EZAPPS Zoom Full-Page Cache for Magento * * @category Ezapps * @package Ezapps_Zoom * @author Ezra Morse (http://www.ezramorse.com/) * @contact Ezra Morse <me@ezramorse.com> * @donate Paypal: me@ezramorse.com * @license EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html) * @instructions Please credit the original author in all derivatives and release core fixes to the public Installation: ============================================ 1. Create a backup of your Magento store. If possible, install in a testing environment before porting the code live. 2. Unpack source code (or use Magento Connect and skip to step 4) 3. Goto the new ezzoom directory and copy the source to the root of your testing environment 4. Clear your Magento cache 5. Re-login to the Magento backend 6. Edit index.php. After the <?php tag, insert: include('ezzoom.php'); 7. Edit app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/ezzoom.xml. Remove all unneeded blocks from ezzoom_hole_fill handle. Removing blocks referenced by other active blocks can cause exceptions. Proceed with caution. 8. Please ensure the directory var/zoom is writable 9. If you use our category URL rewrites, adjust your robots.txt file to exclude any redundant URLs