
Ideal, industrial standard of a React Native project structure

Primary LanguageTypeScript


🛒 Simple e-commerce app built with React Native.

img-1 img-2 img-3 img-4 img-5

For running the project

yarn run-app
  • It will gonna install dependencies, run the fake server + bundler and run the app on both platforms automatically.

For running the tests

yarn run-tests
  • It will gonna install dependencies, run the fake server + bundler and run the E2E Detox tests on both platforms automatically.

If you wanna run manually

  • yarn install, bundle install and under ios directory pod install
  • yarn ios and yarn android for running the app
  • yarn e2e-ios-build and yarn e2e-android-build before the running Detox tests
  • yarn e2e-ios and yarn e2e-android for the running Detox tests

Note: Detox test are configured to run on iPhone 13 and Pixel_4_API_29. If you need to change them you can check the .detoxrc.json file.

You can find more information on here

For running the Storybook app

  • Comment the main app import and uncomment the Storybook import on index.js file
import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native';
// import App from './src/App';
import App from './.storybook';

import {name as appName} from './app.json';

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);
  • Restart the Metro Bundler
yarn start
  • Run the app on both platforms
yarn ios
yarn android

Note: Main app import and storybook app import cannot be active at the same time on index.js file. Redux gives an error when both are active. Also metro bundler should restart again when app import changes because it caches the previous import.

App Deep Links

npx uri-scheme open "takeapp://discover" --ios
npx uri-scheme open "takeapp://discover" --android

npx uri-scheme open "takeapp://products/jewelry" --ios
npx uri-scheme open "takeapp://products/jewelry" --android

npx uri-scheme open "takeapp://product/1001" --ios
npx uri-scheme open "takeapp://product/1001" --android

File structure

├── _json_server # Mock server for the app
├── .storybook # Storybook app
├── src
│   ├── components # Reusable UI components
│   ├── container # Wrapper container components
│   ├── enums # Enum files for prevent using magic strings
│   ├── helpers # Generic helper functions
│   ├── hooks # Custom hooks
│   ├── pages # Screen components
│   ├── redux # State manager
│   ├── router # Navigation structure
│   ├── styles # Generic style files to ensure consistency in style definitions and prevent using magic numbers
│   ├── types # Generic type definitions
│   └── utils # Utility functions