
this repo is a python package. running it as a script will define and export various neural network graphs to various formats.

these neural networks are not trained models and are somewhat arbitary in architecture. thus, absolute performance numbers are not meaningful. but they should provide a sense of the relative presence/performance of various operators between formats and runtimes.

nn.Modules defined in pytorch are exported to:

  • torchscript (.ts) using torch.jit
    • -> ONNX (.onnx) via torchscript using torch.onnx
      • -> tensorflow SavedModel (.tf) via ONNX using onnx-tf
        • -> tflite (.tflite) via SavedModel using tensorflow.lite
  • TOSA (.tosa) using torch-mlir

setup with torch-mlir and nightly pytorch on arm64 mac:

(torch-mlir needs rosetta, but tensorflow and pytorch nightly seem unable to coexist on rosetta)

# NOTE the env names matter

TODO: create just one conda env, script to install

CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create -n zoo-tf -c conda-forge python pip fire tensorflow 
conda activate zoo-tf
conda config --env --set subdir osx-64
pip install tensorflow-probability onnx-tf

CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create -n zoo -c conda-forge python pip fire
conda activate zoo
conda config --env --set subdir osx-64
pip install --pre torch-mlir -f https://github.com/llvm/torch-mlir/releases --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu
pip install tvm

cd embedded_model_zoo
pip install -e .
python -m zoo

may need this workaround:

llvm/torch-mlir#853 (comment)

python -m zoo --log_level=DEBUG to see errors

adding models

define new nn.Module subclasses in zoo/models/*.py, using the @register decorator. If adding new files under models/, be sure to import them from models/__init__.py


  • tflite and TOSA conversion often choke on unsqueeze ops (which torchscript seems to use when indexing with None e.g. x[...,None] to add a new final dimension to a tensor). workaround is to use reshape in pytorch code instead.