First Circle Inventory Management


This is a product which allows the user to run batch process that updates items to cleranced. Apart from it, users can also view a report of the batch

The batch process should handle items that are sellable and make them clearanced.

  • items should only can only be sold if they are sellable.
  • Pants, Dresses discounted price should be limited to 5$.
  • Other types discounted price should be limited to 2$.
  • Provide a batch report for the user


bundle install
bundle exc rake db:create db:migrate db:seed


I've updated the seed file a bit to have styles whose wholesale prices are specific to test the beehavior of the batch process.

Sweater -> $5.00
Top     -> $2.67
Dress   -> $4.00
Pants   -> $10.00
Pants   -> $6.67
Scarf   -> $2.00