-This system can install in any restaurant.
-This system contains the following modules:
- Admin has username and password and can alter them.
- Admin manages Employees (Add, Delete, update, List , search).
- Admin manages Meals (Add, Delete, update, List , search).
- Admin can make reports about customers and Employees (make queries).
- Admin make special offers , marketing, loyalty, and reward programs.
- Employee manages Customers (Add, Delete, update, List , search).
- Employee can make and cancel order.
- Employee manages Billing.
- System Must send notification when offers added.
- System Must send notification that set gifts to Customer when their payments reach at specific range.
- Customer can register at marketing, loyalty, and reward programs.
- All Payments, orders of Customer save to customer profile.
- All gifts and special offers that customer get save to his profile.
- All Users can login and logout except customer.
- Users can Update their Information except ID.