Getting an Android emulator running automatically in a container-based CI system is a difficult task. This project makes it as easy as possible, supporting as many emulator combinations that have proven to run in GitLab-CI.
This Docker image is used in fdroidclient's continuous integration via Gitlab. It is built on top of our ci-images-base Docker image. This specific image includes stuff that only the client tests need, like emulator images.
The magic is mostly in the start-emulator
script. It will use KVM
if it is available, but will run in a unprivileged environment as
well, albeit slower.
.connected-template: &connected-template
- ./gradlew assembleFullDebug # run this first to reduce concurrent RAM usage
- start-emulator
- wait-for-emulator
- adb devices
- adb shell input keyevent 82 &
- ./gradlew connectedFullDebugAndroidTest || (adb -e logcat -d > logcat.txt; exit 1)
- logcat.txt
connected 22 default armeabi-v7a:
<<: *connected-template
connected 23 default aarch64:
<<: *connected-template
connected 26 google_apis x86:
<<: *connected-template
connected 27 google_apis_playstore x86:
<<: *connected-template
connected 29 default x86_64:
<<: *connected-template