
Detect input encoding and convert to utf-8 if needed

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Install with npm install to-utf-8 and optionally use the -g flag to install the command line utility.



var utf8 = require('to-utf-8')
var fs = require('fs')


You can also provide the encoding, if known:

var utf8 = require('to-utf-8')
var fs = require('fs')


You can also pass an options object instead with the following keys:

  • confidence Minimum confidence for the detected source encoding. If not reached assume utf-8
  • encoding Same as passing a string directly. Use the given encoding instead of detecting it.
  • newline Use input text until newline is reached to detect encoding (default true)
  • detectSize Maximum size from input to detect encoding (default 65535)


This modules includes a to-utf-8 command line tool. It listens for a stream from stdin and converts it to utf-8 to stdout like:

to-utf-8 < weirdencoding.txt > utf8encoded.txt

You can specify the source encoding with the --enc flag.