
#zoohackathon - Lets anyone submit wildlife protection data

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

A hackathon project from `#zoohackathon`

This is designed to work with a SMART instance to allow anyone to submit incident reports to empower local people to help combat poaching and help with wildlife reporting, currently via SMS.


  • Automatic language detection and response
  • SMS parsing and responses
  • Geolocation
    • Custom place names
    • GPS parsing
    • Geolocating url (for smart-phone users)
  • Custom slang word recognition
  • Microservice implementation
    • Current SMS interaction
    • Could include chat bot or form interface

Example SMS


xml2csv/ is used to make a csv file from a data model, to create your own localisation keywords from an initial message.
xls/ is used to follow up certain keywords with question chains (gavlar.py can generate that to json)
twilio is used to handle twilio responses then asks our API for a response
message_api/http_server.py, our API, is used to serve all responses, first classifying the message (and so the number) by language and content data model catagory. Then all subsequent messages for this phone number will follow the communication question flow given by the json.

See how.md for more details


  • python3
  • twilio
  • http.server
  • flask
  • pyOpenSSL


See TODO.md


The http_server would not be possible without code shared from bradmontgomery