
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Plenty plugin generator

A plugin generator for plentymarkets plugins.

Getting started

  • Install Yeoman: npm install -g yo @plentymarkets/generator-plugin
  • Run: yo @plentymarkets/plugin


  • yo @plentymarkets/plugin generates new basic plugin files. The folder structure will look like this:
    ├── meta/
    │   ├── documents/
    │   │  └── files for user guides, change logs and support contact data in German and English   
    │   └── images/
    │      └── placeholders for author icons, plugin icons and preview image
    ├── resources/
    │   └── views/
    │       └── Index.twig
    ├── src/
    │   ├── Providers/
    │   │      │── [Plugin]ServiceProvider.php
    │   │      └── [Plugin]RouteServiceProvider.php
    │   └── Controllers/
    │          └── [Plugin]Controller.php
    │── config.json // empty file
    └── plugin.json // plugin information
  • yo @plentymarkets/plugin:theme generates new theme plugin files. The folder structure will look like this:
    ├── meta/
    │   ├── documents/
    │   │  └── files for user guides, change logs and support contact data in German and English   
    │   └── images/
    │      └── placeholders for author icons, plugin icons and preview image
    ├── resources/
    │   ├── css/
    │   │   └── main.css    
    │   └── views/
    │       ├── Theme.twig
    │       └── Homepage/
    │           └── Homepage.twig
    ├── src/
    │   ├── Providers/
    │   │      └── [Theme]ServiceProvider.php
    │   └── Containers/
    │          └── [Theme]Container.php
    │── config.json // empty file
    └── plugin.json // plugin information