
Phaser CoffeeScript + Browserify + LiveReload Boilerplate

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Phaser CoffeeScript + Browserify + LiveReload Development Boilerplate

It's a very simple boilerplate for Phaser framework, including the example of @demircancelebi's Together game.


To start using Phaser with CoffeeScript easily,

git clone https://github.com/f/phaser-coffee-boilerplate my-game
cd my-game
npm start


main.coffee is your main file. You should write your game's HTML presentational parts here. Since this boilerplate uses browserify you can/should use require function of Node.js easily. TL,DR; it's main file.


This is a simple JSON exporting JS file. So you can put some logic if you need.


This is the main logic of your game. Everything happens here.

config = require './config.coffee'

class State

  constructor: (game)->

  preload: ->
    # Preload Stage
    @game.stage = $.extend @game.stage, config.stage

    # Preload all images from config file
    @game.load.image imageName, path for imageName, path of config.images

  create: ->

    # Create world.

  update: ->

    # Living world.

module.exports = State

Have fun! :)
