
Popeye.js ~ Backbone.js PowerUp Wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Popeye.js v0.1 (Alpha)


A Backbone Power-up Kit for Backbone.js developers. Adds some features and makes development and code easier. In the background, there is Backbone.js's power. It also designed to seperate the logics with the module definitions.

Getting Started

It makes your life simpler, easier and saves your time. You can spend your time with your family instead of coding lines of Backbone Code!

  • You can use module or component and app project global namespace system.
  • Module dependency control. Looks like AMD but simpler.
  • Easier model, view and collection definitions.
  • Model, Collection, View definition with construction.

A Traditional Backbone Code

Here is a traditional Backbone code. Cool, but hard to read!

(function (module) {
  var apple,
  apple = this.apple = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
      color: 'red'
  apples = this.apples = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: apple
  appleView = this.appleView = Backbone.View.extend({
    template: _.template($('script#apple').html()),
    render: function () {
  applesView = this.applesView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: 'ul#apples',
    initialize: function () {
      // something cool!
}).call(todo.module('module')); // If you have a todo variable and module pattern somewhere!

A Popeye Version of The Same Code

app ('todo');
module ('module', function () {
  var apple,
  apple = this.apple = model ({
    defaults: {
      color: 'red'
  apples = this.apples = list (apple);
  this.views.apple = view (apple, $template('apple'));
  this.views.apples = view ('ul#apples', function () {
    // something cool!


Application Namespace

app ('todo'); 

You just created an application namespace. So how can you reach this namespace?


Window has a todo variable now! It's a global.

Module Definition

It looks like AMD definitions. Also you can use component identifier to define modules.

module ('list.ui', ['list.core'], function (core) {
  // something cool.

component ('list.ui', ['list.core'], function (core) {
  // something cool.

If module doesn't have any dependency you don't have to define dependency array.

module ('list.core', function () {
  // something very core...

Module Events

todo.on('init:list.ui', function () {
  // Do something cool when list.ui module initialized!

### Initializing Modules

You can initialize modules using init function.

init ('list.ui');

This code will initialize the module with name list.ui and its dependencies.

Also you can initialize modules with module function:

module ('list.ui');

It will return you the instance of created module.

var listUI = module ('list.ui');

Auto Initialize Modules

With the @fatihacet's module initialization idea, you can use the <body> tag's data-module attribute to initialize modules.

<body data-module="list">
  // something very coool!!!!

The module named list will be initialized automatically.


In Backbone, defining model is simple but Popeye.js has simpler writing.

this.apple = model ();

This is actually:

this.apple = Backbone.Model.extend();

Writing simpler is simpler. :)

Also you can define models with a constructor. It's a need sometimes.

this.apple = model (function () {
  // this is the model itself.
  this.defaults = {
    color: 'red'

Also you can still define with the traditional style:

this.apple = model ({
  defaults: {
    color: 'red'


"Collection" name is too long. Popeye.js has a shorter name: list. Collections are lists!

this.apples = list (apple);

You see the trick? I gave the model with the first argument. It is actually that:

this.apples = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  model: apple

Popeye.js makes things easier! :)

### Views

There are logically two kinds of views;

  • Views of models
  • Views of existing elements (lists)

Popeye.js has two types of models too. (Every module has views property.)

View of a Model

You can see the example below; It creates a view of a apple model.

this.views.apple = view (apple, $template('apple'));

View of an Element (To Be Developed)

Also you can define a view of an element.

this.views.main = view ('#main-view', function () {
  // something cool!


this.views.main = view ('#main-view', {
  // something cool!

$template() Method

This is the in-page template finder with ID.

this.views.apple = view (apple, $template('apple'));

This example finds the <script type="text/template" id="apple"></script> and creates the template function. Then binds to the view of apple model.

template() Method

This is the same of $template but you give the parameter the template itself instead of ID.

this.views.apple = view (apple, template([
    '<%= color %>',

As you see you can use Array or String as parameter.


  • Nested model wrapper.
  • Documentation development.



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