- 1
Vue3 Composition API?
#129 opened by limsocheat - 2
- 1
- 0
vue-wait integration for pinia
#131 opened by scanacs-agruhn - 1
Usage in nuxtjs3 (plugin attempt)
#123 opened by ahoiroman - 2
NPM v7 could not resolve peer dependency for vue 3
#110 opened by dspinov - 0
#84 opened by YanCore - 3
- 2
Vuex not initialized
#115 opened by carlovenus - 0
Twice as big when introducing Vue 3
#112 opened by WilliamDASILVA - 4
[Bug Report] `[vuex] unknown action type: wait/start` occurred on Vue TypeScript
#96 opened by runyasak - 3
Vue 3 Complaining createVueWait() is not a function
#107 opened by Mohanrau - 3
Vue.js 3 support
#100 opened by ducmerida - 3
Failing on Server Side Rendering in Nuxt
#89 opened by appinteractive - 23
Vue Wait with Typescript
#65 opened by fraparisi - 1
Demo link does not work
#91 opened by Bayonle - 0
vuex-module-decorators Integration
#90 opened by No3x - 1
- 2
Add transition to "waiting" slot
#68 opened by antoniogiroz - 0
- 0
this.$wait.end not work with
#78 opened by ovo4096 - 0
Add integration with nuxt asyncData/fetch
#86 opened by Kolobok12309 - 4
WaitFor is broken
#66 opened by yoyoys - 0
Compiled version is not compatible with ie10
#85 opened by wangxiao95 - 5
There are two v1.4.6 version in the release page, and the last v1.4.6 is not published to npm
#83 opened by dum3ng - 0
- 0
Migrating from vuex-loading
#80 opened by gkatsanos - 0
Unknown custom element: <v-wait> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
#73 opened by afuno - 0
Allow for arrays in <v-wait> 'for' parameter
#76 opened by honzabilek4 - 3
Transition breaking changes
#72 opened by kristinademeshchik - 2
how can I remove the out wrap div and span?
#71 opened by wzfjesun - 0
Problem after build nuxt
#69 opened by hexters - 0
Add integration with nuxt loading and axios
#56 opened by Koc - 4
Introduce ability to declare action by name from vuex module in mapWaitingActions when two actions in different modules has the same name
#50 opened by maciekkus - 4
- 4
It does not work Internet Explorer 11
#54 opened by MustafaDal - 1
- 5
FR: Usage with namespaced Vuex modules
#53 opened by razorfever - 0
Typo: vuex-example
#49 opened by ksekachev97 - 0
#48 opened by f - 0
- 3
alternative for startLoading in Vuex actions?
#46 opened by kjakobson - 0
Strange minification issue on Safari iphone
#43 opened by vcraescu - 2
dependency matcher causing UglifyJS Error
#42 opened by Ewocker - 2
Typo in README
#40 opened by JonasMunck - 2
Package size exploded
#39 opened by Dylan-Chapman - 3
Documentation: describe vuex getters
#38 opened by Koc - 0
Storybook integration
#37 opened by f - 2
"waiter.match is not a function"
#36 opened by Dylan-Chapman - 3
Error in beforeCreate hook: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'runtime' of undefined"
#35 opened by ademilter