NOSO project cryptocurrency wallet
Nosolite does not require an installation. Please download the latest release for either Windows or Linux, uncompress the archive and run Nosolite.
To build from source, you will need a working installation of Lazarus and the following packages:
- Indy 10
- HashLib4PascalPackage
- SimpleBaseLib4PascalPackage
- CryptoLib4PascalPackage
- LazBarcodes
You may use the packages provided in the Packages
located at the repository's root. Note: Packages are provided for the convenience of the GitHub builds and may not contain the latest version of these packages.
The best way to ensure that the latest versions of all packages are used is to install them using the Online Package Manager(OPM).
Currently, Nosolite is supported for recent versions of Windows and Linux (Unix). The development team reviews presently future support of macOS (Darwin).
- Windows 7
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
- Ubuntu 21.10 64b with a Light/Dark Theme
- Debian 11 64bit (Bullseye)
If you want to support the development of NOSO, please consider donating to the development team.
BTC: 3H1VzdL3QFQpc62DUhbtCFV5dG4K1yPwVB
LTC: LUUWwzfeQtJ4dc8A5xJVz3Zacray55f1WH
NosoCoin: devteam_donations