
Minimal RESTful Rails server to save anything

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple server to accept and store al kinds of objects send via RESTful interface. At the moment only JSON strings will be returned from the server.


Find     :   GET      /thing/123
Find All :   GET      /thing    
Update   :   PUT      /thing/123
Create   :   POST     /thing    
Delete   :   DELETE   /thing/123

thing can be replaced with any word exept allrest which is used to list and edit objects in a web interface. (This can be changed in config/routes.rb.)

id of object is forced by the server strting by 1 increasing (2, 3, 4…) for each object name and is inserted into the object.


Use bundle install to get all dependencies for rails.

Run ‘rails s` to start the server on `localhost:3000`

See Rails documentation for more options: rubyonrails.org/documentation