
Simple cli tool to thread cli commands

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Threader executes a given command (-run) in x parallel threads. It can be used to just execute the Command a defined number of times (-runs) or to pass input given by STDIN split by a delimiter and provide each result part as \$INPUTSTR param to your -run command.

Threader is shipped with /bin/bash as only dependency.



$ git clone https://github.com/voodooEntity/threader
$ cd threader 

If you want to build it yourself with go installed

$ make && make build && make install 

If you want to use the shipped binary simply download it and execute (currently only debian64bit build)

$ sudo cp bin/deb64/threader /usr/bin/threader 


  • -run "yourcommand"
    • Can include \$INPUTSTR \$INPUTID \$THREADID
  • -runs INT
    • Amount of run executions to be done if no input is given
  • -delimiter "delimiterstring"
    • String to split stdin given input up to single command inputstr , default delimiter="\n"
  • -verbose on
    • Sets threaders core output to verbose mode for debugging purposes
  • -threads INT
    • Define a number of threads to be used for parallel execution, default threads=amount of cpus


The following vars can be used in your execution command.

    • This variable will include a single input part provided by the result of splitting the STDIN input by -delimiter string.
    • This variable will include a the id of the given \$INPUTSTR. This variable is only unique for each thread, not in total.
    • This variable will include a the id of the thread executing the current command. It can be used to create unique identifiers combined with \$INPUTID


Running a command without input 100 times in 4 threads
$ threader -run "curl http://some.domain.com > /dev/null" -runs 100 -threads 4
Running a command without input 100 times auto thread amount detection (by cpu count)
$ threader -run "curl http://some.domain.com > /dev/null" -runs 100
Running a command with input from a file (f.e. 1 url per line)
$ cat urllist.txt | threader -run "curl \$INPUTSTR > /dev/null"
Running a command with input from cli and custom delimiter
$ echo "/etc,/home,/srv" | threader -run "stat \$INPUTSTR" -delimiter "," 
Running a command with input from a cli command
$ ls -1 / | threader -run "stat /\$INPUTSTR"
Get the total size of each directory in / (using function output, dynamic amount of threads, default delimiter \n )
$ ls -D1 / | threader -run "du -h /\$INPUTSTR | tail -1"