
Let's ride the container Whale!

Primary LanguageDockerfile

An Introduction to Containers with Docker

Presentation Link: click here

Docker Installation:

For Linux: click here

For Windows: click here

For Mac: Either follow the Windows guide to download docker toolbox, otherwise download the official version from docker.com

Dockerfile Examples

Dockerfile to build redis (redis.io) server docker image:

FROM alpine

RUN apk add --update redis

CMD ["redis-server"]


Dockerfile to build a RESTful API on Flask:

Repo Link: github.com/forkbomb-666/drip_irrigation_server

FROM python:3

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

COPY . .

CMD [ "gunicorn", "-b :80" , "wsgi:app"]


Tools used

Code Snippets Generated using carbon.now.sh

Diagrams made in draw.io