
Like your GSuite :envelope: :calendar: :file_folder: + :octocat: + CI, but on Docker :whale:


Like your GSuite ✉️ 📆 📁 + :octocat: + CI, but on Docker 🐳

This contains work from these projects:


git clone https://github.com/dolanor/dsuite
cd dsuite
# edit obvious placeholders (mydomain.com, dc=mydomain,dc=com, XXXPassword, etc…)
vim docker-compose.yml
# launch the services
docker-compose up -d
# sip a fine beverage in a nice chair


Obviously, you need to configure the docker-compose.yml to suit your needs. I might automate even more when I have time.

You also need to have a good DNS configuration, mostly for the mail part (spf, dkim, dmarc) and all the subdomains

Open ports

I try to open as few ports as possible There is:

  • web: 80 and 443
  • ssh for git remote access: 22
  • mail: smtp (25, 465 (TLS), 587), imap (143, 993 (TLS)) (I didn't put POP, because I don't personally need it)


For all the SPF, DKIM, DMARC configuration (which mostly need DNS entry modifications), go to the dockermail documentation