
A simple breadcrumbs plugin for Rails

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Tumbleweed is a simple breadcrumbs plugin for rails. Design goals include:

* Easy to use  
* Centralized crumb configuration  
* Support dynamic links  
* Rails 2 compatible (tested with 2.3)  

If You're using Rails 3, then checkout https://github.com/lassebunk/gretel, an excellent breadcrumbs plugin, and a huge inspiration source for tumbleweed. (If Gretel was rails 2 compatible, this plugin wouldn't exist).

How to use

You define a crumb by giving it a name, and passing it a block.
Inside the block you call the method `link`, and specify the link title and URL.
Link title can be a string or a lambda that will be evaluated at runtime.
Link URL can be a string, a symbolized route helper (e.g: :root_path), or a lambda.
Optionally, you can also specify a parent crumb. If not specified, root is assumed.
You can pass a parameter to the block, and use it to dynamically modify the link title and/or URL.
A crumb can pass a parameter to its parent crumb.

You can also change the behavior of other parts of the plugin:
Default delimiter between crumbs is >. You can change it using: delimiter 'new delimiter'
By default, we always show a root crumb. You can control this with show_root and dont_show_root
By default, last crumb in trail is not linked. You can control this with link_last, and dont_link_last

In your layout (app/views/layouts/application.html.erb) you add: <%= crumb_trail %>
In your view you add <% trail :name %> to specify which trail to display
If your crumb block expects an object, you call it using <% trail :name, object %>

Each crumb will have the CSS class 'breadcrumb'
The delimieter will be a span, with the CSS class 'breadcrumb_delimiter'
The whole trail will be wrapped in a div with the CSS class 'breadcrumb_trail'


crumb :all_users do
  link 'Users', :users_path

crumb :user_profile do |user|
  link user.username, lambda { user_path(:id => user.id) }
  parent :all_users

crumb :user_image do |image|
  link image.title, lambda { user_image_path(:id => image.id, :user_id => image.user.id) }
  parent :user_profile, image.user

delimiter '&rsaquo;&rsaquo;'

In app/views/layout/application.html.erb
<%= crumb_trail %>

In app/views/users/index.html.erb
<% trail :all_users %>

In app/views/users/show.html.erb
<% trail :user_profile, @user %>

Copyright (c) 2010 [AlFaisal ElDajani], released under the MIT license