
iOS issue Unity renders blank

juicycleff opened this issue · 4 comments

The game runs fine and communication between unity and react native on the loaded scene works, but for some reason the app is transparent

What exactly do you mean with "transparent"? Can you provide a screenshot?

This approach fixed rendering issues for some people in the past. You could give it a try.

Having the same issue as OP here, unfortunately solution attached by @JanOwiesniak has not worked :(
Unity exports correctly
No errors in xcode
No errors in console when inspecting
The rest of the app works fine, the unityview just displays see-through!

React-native: 0.55.3
React-native-unity-view: 1.2.1
Unity: 2018.3.14f1

I solved this by downgrading unity to v1.2.0, and using 2018.1.9f2, but I believe it could work with any pre Unity 2019 versions

What I could figure out is that Unity GL shaders do not render correctly on metal when upgraded to 1.3.3 and also if downgraded to 1.3.0, it works on pre iPhone X devices