
Configure & load multiple unity gradle exports in one react native project

adikhadilkar opened this issue · 0 comments


I have successfully integrated the Gradle export of a Unity project in a React native project.

I am able to load the exported Unity module on click of a react native button as well as I can communicate with the unity module through a react native project & vice a versa.

Is there any way to add multiple gradle exports (multiple unity projects) in one react native project & achieve communication between them (one unity project / module at a time only) ?

I have tried a few things. I am not sure if it is the right way of solving this issue.

  1. I have added 2 gradle exports of 2 different unity projects in android directory of my app

  2. I have included path of these 2 gradle exports in android/settings.gradle file

    include ':react-native-unity-view'
    project(':react-native-unity-view').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-unity-view/android')

    include ":UnityExport"
    project(":UnityExport").projectDir = file("./UnityExport")

    include ":UnityExport1"
    project(":UnityExport1").projectDir = file("./UnityExport1")

  3. I have also added the dependency of second unity export in node_modules/react-native-unity-view/android/build.gradle file

    dependencies {
    compile project(':UnityExport')
    compile project(':UnityExport1')
    compile 'com.facebook.react:react-native:+'

To load unity module we generally create an instance of UnityView in our .js file

import UnityView, {UnityModule} from 'react-native-unity-view';
React.createElement(UnityView, {
style: {position: 'absolute', left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0},
onUnityMessage: this.onUnityMessage.bind(this),

Can anyone please tell me

  1. if we can integrate multiple unity module within a react native project?
  2. if we can, then how should we load those modules on click of separate react native buttons?

relevant references / help / example codes is appreciated.