Kill Unity View from Memory in React Native IOS
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We have multiple game scenes inside my unity project. And we launch each game scene when we click an icon from React Native app. When we finish a game we traverse back to react native app. But in my case the Application is crashing when we try to launch the another game from react native app as we are using the same unity view the second time [Note: We load the scenes in unity in single Mode ] in IOS but where as in android it is working fine.
But if try to launch the game using same unity view but loading the scene in unity in Additive Mode
we won't observe the app crash when we try to launch the 2nd game instead we observe the app crash after launching 4th or 5th game from React Native.
So is there a way to kill the Unity View from Memory Completely?
Normally multiple UnityViews will not crash. Can I see your crash information?