
Library for building decision trees with js. Based on ID3 algorithm.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Library for building decision trees with js. Based on ID3 algorithm.

Pretty simple and straightforward to use. Just include the script e.g.

<script type="text/javascript" src="orchid3.min.js"></script>

then you can use factory to build tree

var tree = orchid3.factory(trainingSetAsString, rowsSeparator, valuesSeparator);

To test tree (or rather get decision) use getDecision method



var set = 'sunny,hot,high,weak,no;sunny,hot,high,strong,no;overcast,hot,high,weak,yes;',
    test = orchid3.Util.parseData('sunny,hot,high,weak', ';', ','), //or test can already be an array like [['sunny', 'hot', 'high', 'weak']]
    tree = orchid3.factory(set, ';', ',');
tree.getDecision(test); //should return 'no'

See our demo for working, testable example and sample view class for drawing the tree!