Library for building decision trees with js. Based on ID3 algorithm.
Pretty simple and straightforward to use. Just include the script e.g.
<script type="text/javascript" src="orchid3.min.js"></script>
then you can use factory to build tree
var tree = orchid3.factory(trainingSetAsString, rowsSeparator, valuesSeparator);
To test tree (or rather get decision) use getDecision method
var set = 'sunny,hot,high,weak,no;sunny,hot,high,strong,no;overcast,hot,high,weak,yes;',
test = orchid3.Util.parseData('sunny,hot,high,weak', ';', ','), //or test can already be an array like [['sunny', 'hot', 'high', 'weak']]
tree = orchid3.factory(set, ';', ',');
tree.getDecision(test); //should return 'no'
See our demo for working, testable example and sample view class for drawing the tree!