
RSS reader for automation.

Primary LanguagePython


PyPI version

Read, format and output an RSS stream.

feedo is inspired by rsstail and it's python copy rsstail.py


To fetch an RSS stream:

feedo http://lorem-rss.herokuapp.com/feed --format '{title}'

Add --follow option to watch updates on feed.

Supported format arguments:

  • {id}
  • {link}
  • {title}
  • {author}
  • {content}
  • {enclosures[i].href}
  • {enclosures[i].length}
  • {enclosures[i].type}
  • {published}
  • {created}
  • {updated}
  • {expired}

(See feedparser Documentation for more available format arguments)

Values can be styled in python 3 string formatting syntax. For example, to format published value in RFC 3339:

feedo http://lorem-rss.herokuapp.com/feed --format '{title:.11} ({link}) -- {published:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ%z}'

(See strftime (3) for date format arguments)

Value conversion

feedo extends value conversion syntax and support following extra conversion flags:

  • !x converts value to a SHA-1 checksum string
  • !X converts value to a SHA-256 checksum string
  • !f escapes value to make it safe for a file name
  • !g slugifys the value with python-slugify

For example, to get the sha1 hash of a link value and get first 12 characters:

feedo http://lorem-rss.herokuapp.com/feed --format '{link} => {link!x} => {link!x:.12}'


feedo can be used in implementing some automatic job:

feedo "http://bt.byr.cn/torrentrss.php?rows=10&linktype=dl&passkey=XXXXXXXXXX" \
  --format '[ ! -f /media/.abt/{id} ] && abt add --uri "{enclosures[0].href}" --dir="/media/Downloads/{title!f}" && touch /media/.abt/{id}' \
  --follow | sh

This snippet watches an RSS stream of a RSS subscription and add new tasks to aria2 using abt.

WARNING take a trust-worthy source before pipe anything generated into a shell!!!


(The MIT License)