
Use ChatGPT & GPT-4 inside of Teardown to modify your world

Primary LanguageLua


ChatGPT & GPT-4 inside of Teardown



Clone this repository into your local mods directory, located at AppData/Local/Teardown/mods. Make sure to keep the directory name as teargpt, otherwise the mod won't work.



After you've installed Deno and signed up for OpenAI, copy .env.example to .env and fill in your OpenAI API key.

  • Windows: double-click the start.bat in scripts/
  • Linux: run ./scripts/start.sh

How does this work?

This mod abuses loadfile() to constantly load a temporary .lua file that the backend writes to, and the fact that changes to the savegame registry are saved almost immediately. Let's hope that Dennis doesn't change that behavior.