Let el-table support sortable.js
- support almost all options in
- support drag from one to another table
- support vetur(todo)
- support drag into an empty
- Drag rows
- Drag columns
- Set handle for drag
- Set group
- ...other option in sortable.js
- event input, after the change of all
yarn add el-table-draggable
npm i -S el-table-draggable
import ElTableDraggable from 'el-table-draggable'
export default {
components: {
<el-table row-key></el-table>
the wrapper tag of el-table, default is div
support drag column
data or cloumn after change
sortablejs's option, the option start with on
, ExampleonSort => @sort
- Support column
- support ghost of expanded row or the rest of column
- 接入html2canvas 将展开/列部分设定到dataTransfer.setDragImage上实现拖拽优化