- 0
WMath.cpp: undefined reference to `srand'
#34 opened by uXeBoy - 6
undefined reference to operator delete
#33 opened by uXeBoy - 121
Add picorv32 support for Alhambra board
#32 opened by drtrigon - 1
Expression for tanh in tanh.c is incorrect
#31 opened by MBHelectronics - 2
RISC-V compilation fails
#29 opened by mwyborski - 8
Problem with compiling sketch in linux
#1 opened by goran-mahovlic - 1
XON/XOFF hardcoded in sio.c and sio_poll.c
#30 opened by emard - 0
multiple serial ports support missing
#28 opened by emard - 0
Amazing work
#27 opened by reetikavats - 0
BASIC as arduino library
#26 opened by emard - 2
Timer interrupt example doesn't compile
#25 opened by paradajz - 2
malloc() limited to cca 1MB
#24 opened by emard - 2
Incorrect library
#19 opened by Acridka - 0
GPIO INPUT register changed address
#11 opened by emard - 3
MIPS gcc won't compile u8g, RISC-V compiles it
#9 opened by emard - 5
No serial output
#6 opened by goran-mahovlic - 0
Mimas page is missing
#8 opened by goran-mahovlic - 2
SPI example will not link
#7 opened by emard - 2
tools bin folder is empty
#5 opened by goran-mahovlic - 6
Support for Software I2C
#2 opened by goran-mahovlic - 6
undefined reference to `shiftOut'
#4 opened by goran-mahovlic - 1
Arduino library for DHT11DHT22
#3 opened by goran-mahovlic