Docker Container for Logitech Media Server

This is a Docker image for running the Logitech Media Server package. Runs the latest 7.9 nightly build.

Run completely containerized:

docker run -d \
           -p 9000:9000 \
           -p 3483:3483 \
           -p 3483:3483/udp \
           -v <audio-dir>:<somewhere-in-container> \

With persistent data on host:

docker run -d \
           -p 9000:9000 \
           -p 3483:3483 \
           -p 3483:3483/udp \
           -v <audio-dir>:<somewhere-in-container> \
           -v <data-dir>:/var/lib/squeezeboxserver \
           -v <log-dir>:/var/log/squeezeboxserver \
           qvicksilver/logitechmediaserver <uid>

Where <uid> matches the uid of a user on the host with write permissions on the <data-dir> and <log-dir> directories.

If you wish to specify a timezone for the server, set the TZ environment variable to a valid timezone:

docker run -d \
           -e TZ=Europe/Stockholm
           -p 9000:9000 \
           -p 3483:3483 \
           -p 3483:3483/udp \
           -v <audio-dir>:<somewhere-in-container> \