Feature request: TDoA / multilateration support
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Is it possible now (or in the near future) to geolocate a transmitter with SDRAngel?
It runs on gps enabled devices ( phones, tablets etc) and can use these for TDoA calculation.
multilateration should also be possible for modeS only planes to be plotted on the map.
This would be a great feature addition .
Possibly, but you need multiple antennas in different locations.
The ADS-B demod already has the ability to feed packets to a server over IP - so we could possibly add a Feature that runs a server that takes those packets from multiple clients and then performs the TDoA calcs.
But not many users probably have 4 SDRs in different locations...
Possibly, but you need multiple antennas in different locations.
But not many users probably have 4 SDRs in different locations...
Yes, you are right.
... but I imagine we could choose the extra ( 3 or more ) from publicly available servers (as kiwisdr does) .
Also the "sampling device" could have the option of additional "Addresses" for the other servers for TDoA?
You don't really want to do it by streaming IQ data at ~40Mb/s (That's per server!). It can just about be done with RemoteTCP's IQ compression and squelch - but far more sensible just to send decoded packets.
You are right .
However, I was just making reference to the interface/dialogue accommodating entries for multiple servers.
It would be great ..... fingers crossed.
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