Apple Silicon M support
Closed this issue · 5 comments
I can compile and run sdrangle from the command line, but the package fails. In looking through (auto closed) tickets, I saw someone used to create the Apple ARM packages, but they smashed their screen and is now unable to do so. I'm willing & able to do so, but, the default cmake fails, so something else was being done. If someone can fill me in on this, I don't mind helping out.
I'm trying to get the build working as a github action. First test build is here:
Please give it a try and let me know what happens. Be aware, it may not work at all. I can't test it at the moment.
It seems to work for the basic usage. And the GitHub action is the correct way forwards. So thanks for that. Please let me know how I might help.
Tested on an M3, Sonoma 14.7.1, no issues so far.
Thanks for trying it.
There's a new build on the releases page that should include SDRplay, UHD and DATV support.