RSPDx receiver not visible in receiver list
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With SDRAngel version 7.22.5 (sdrangel-7.22.5-win64.exe) : SDRplay RSPDx receiver not visible in receiver list
What version sdrplay api do you have installed? Should be 3.15
Try attaching your log file.
Windows RSP API 3.15. Where is log file ?
This API is OK with RSP2 RSPdx SDR Console SDR Uno
thank you :)
Well, it looks like it's found something.
2024-12-11 16:22:31.787 (D) SDRPlayV3Plugin::enumSampleSources: found 4 - 22400D1948
2024-12-11 16:22:31.787 (D) SDRPlayV3Plugin::enumSampleSources: enumerated SDRPlayV3 RSP1 device #0
Do you have multiple devices attached? If so, can you try with only one?
Can you then send a screenshot please?
So you need to select SDRPlayV3[0].
W0 is empty.
OK with SDRPlayV3 Thank you.
I wanted to find RSPdx like in other software