
Errors when compiling with python 3.6 option (under Ubuntu 22.04)

f6bvp opened this issue · 5 comments

f6bvp commented

Hi Sylvain,

I tried to update pictalk.pro with python3.6 as suggested in README but I got compilations warnings and errors.

I wonder if there are any updates available for more recent python versions like 3.10 ?

73 de Bernard, f6bvp / ai7bg

f4gkr commented
f6bvp commented

TKS Sylvain.
No hurry, take care and have a nice holliday.
73 de Bernard f6bvp

f4gkr commented

Can you check with the following in the pictalk.pro :
replace the linux { .... } (from lines 50 to 66) with :

linux {
    # using directly the python3-config 
    LIBS += $$system("python3-config --libs")
    QMAKE_CFLAGS += $$system("python3-config --cflags")
    INCLUDEPATH += $$system("python3-config --includes |cut -c 3-")
    DESTDIR = $$PWD/bin
    contains( QMAKE_HOST.arch, arm.* ):{
        #specific instructions for RPiCompile

    } else {
        # generic Linux compile...
        DEFINES += USE_SSE2
        QMAKE_CXXFLAGS  += -msse2
        QMAKE_CFLAGS += -msse2
    LIBS += -lhidapi-hidraw
f6bvp commented
f4gkr commented