This is the first snapshot of a Gradle plugin for jQAssistant. Currently supported are:
all jQAssistant tasks: scan, analyze, server, report, available-scopes, available-rules, effective-rules
giving any options defined for the CLI
configuring the jQAssistant version (default is 1.7.0)
configuring additional plugins (Java plugin is added by default)
configuring additional artifacts to be scanned (Java compile output is added by default)
single module and multi module projects
Add in your Gradle project in question the plugin via
plugins { id "de.kontext_e.jqassistant.gradle" version "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" }
buildscript { repositories { mavenLocal() } dependencies { classpath 'de.kontext_e.jqassistant.gradle:jqassistant-gradle-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT' } }
and apply the plugin
apply plugin: 'de.kontext_e.jqassistant.gradle'
Now you can simply call
./gradlew scan
./gradlew analyze
You can go with the defaults or configure the plugin, e.g. this way:
project.ext["jqaversion"] = "1.7.0" project.ext["kejqapluginversion"] = "1.7.0" jqassistant { toolVersion = "${project.jqaversion}" plugins "com.buschmais.jqassistant.plugin:junit:${project.jqaversion}" plugins "de.kontext-e.jqassistant.plugin:jqassistant.plugin.git:${project.kejqapluginversion}" options "-reset" scanDirs ".git" }
Note that if you have multiple options or scanDirs, just add multiple lines as seen with plugins, e.g.
scanDirs ".git" scanDirs "doc/arc42"
5.6.3: works
5.5.1: works
5.4.1: works
5.3.1: works
5.2.1: works
5.1.1: works
5.0: works
4.10: works
4.9 and below: does not work