IMS-LOMONAS: Parameter-less Pareto Local Search for Multi-objective Neural Architecture Search with the Interleaved Multi-start Scheme

MIT licensed

Quan Minh Phan, Ngoc Hoang Luong


  • Clone this repo
  • Install necessary packages and databases.
$ bash
from evoxbench.database.init import config
config(<database_path>, <data_path>)

For example:

from evoxbench.database.init import config
config('/content/drive/database', '/content/drive/data')

Reproducing the results

This repo have already implemented following NAS algorithms:

  • (IMS-)LOMONAS (ours)

CEC'2023 problems

To experiment on CEC'2023 problems, run the below script:

$ python --optimizer <algo_name>[lomonas, ims-lomonas, nsga2, nsga3, ims-nsga2, ims-nsga3]
                 --test_suite <problem_name>[cec-c10, cec-in1k]
                 --pid <problem_id>[from 1 to 9]
                 --max_eval 10000 --n_run 31
                 --database_path <CEC_database_path> --data_path <CEC_data_path>
                 --using_archive --check_limited_neighbors --neighborhood_check_on_potential_sols --log_results

Other problems

To experiment on other problems, run the below script:

$ python --optimizer <algo_name>[lomonas, ims-lomonas]
                 --test_suite <problem_name>[gecco]
                 --pid <problem_id>[from 1 to 8]
                 --max_eval 3000 --n_run 31
                 --database_path <CEC_database_path> --data_path <CEC_data_path>
                 --using_archive --check_limited_neighbors --neighborhood_check_on_potential_sols --log_results


Problem ID Search Space Dataset Target Objectives Search Objectives
1 MacroNAS CIFAR-10 test_err & params val_err & params
2 NAS-Bench-101 CIFAR-10 test_err & params val_err_12 & params
3 NAS-Bench-201 CIFAR-10 test_err & params val_err_12 & params
4 NAS-Bench-201 ImageNet16-120 test_err & params val_err_12 & params
5 NAS-Bench-201 CIFAR-10 test_err & params val_err_12 & params
6 NAS-Bench-201 ImageNet16-120 test_err & params val_err_12 & params
7 NAS-Bench-201 CIFAR-10 test_err & params synflow & jacov & params
8 NAS-Bench-101 CIFAR-10 test_err & params synflow & jacov & params

Set pid to 7 and 8 to experiment TF-(IMS-)LOMONAS.

Evaluation (only for NAS-Bench-101 and NAS-Bench-201 (GECCO))

$ python --res_path <result_path>
                     --problem_id <problem_id>
                     --dataset [cifar10, cifar100, ImageNet16-120]
                     --algo_name [lomonas, ims-lomonas]


We want to give our thanks to the authors of NAS-Bench-101, NAS-Bench-201, and NAS-Bench-ASR for their search spaces; to the authors of Zero-cost Lightweight NAS and NAS-Bench-Zero-Suite for their zero-cost metric databases.