
Streaming VCD parser

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drom commented

๐Ÿšง Work In Progress ๐Ÿšง

Brief explanation

VCD is a standard dump format for any RTL simulator to produce. Streaming VCD parser enables many use cases: viewers, profilers, checkers.

Detailed Explanation

VCD parser project page: https://github.com/wavedrom/vcd
VCD grammar expressed in JavaScript https://github.com/wavedrom/vcd/blob/master/bin/build.js
Converted to C / LLVM bitcode using: https://github.com/nodejs/llparse
VCD parser can be natively used in C or have other bindings.
Node.js bindings using NAPI https://github.com/wavedrom/vcd/blob/master/lib/parser.js

Open issues: https://github.com/wavedrom/vcd/issues

Further reading

๐Ÿšง Work In Progress ๐Ÿšง