
Mafioso Backend Developer Task: Phone Letter Combinations HTTP Server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Phone Letter Combinations HTTP Server

This project is a Node.js-based HTTP server that provides an endpoint to generate letter combinations for a given phone number. The application is containerized using Docker for easy deployment.


  • Accepts a phone number (digits 2-9) via a POST request.
  • Returns all possible letter combinations based on the standard phone number to letter mapping.
  • Fully Dockerized for deployment on any Docker-compatible server.


  • Docker installed.
  • Access to a Docker Ubuntu server (for deployment).

Local Development

1. Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/f4r6d/Mafioso-Backend-Developer-Task.git
cd Mafioso-Backend-Developer-Task/backend

2. Install Dependencies

npm install

3. Run the Server Locally

node app.js

The server will run on http://localhost:8080.

4. Test the Endpoint

Use cURL or Postman to test the /combinations endpoint:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"phoneNumber": "23"}' \

Expected response:

    "combinations": ["ad", "ae", "af", "bd", "be", "bf", "cd", "ce", "cf"]


1. Build the Docker Image

docker build -t phone-combinations .

2. Run the Docker Container

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name phone-combinations phone-combinations

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:8080.

3. Verify the Container

Check if the container is running:

docker ps

Deployment on Docker Ubuntu Server

1. Transfer Project Files to the Server

Use scp to copy the project to the server:

scp -r phone-combinations user@server-ip:/path/to/deploy

Replace user with your server username, server-ip with the server’s IP address, and /path/to/deploy with the desired directory.

2. Log into the Server

ssh user@server-ip

3. Navigate to the Project Directory

cd /path/to/deploy/phone-combinations

4. Build the Docker Image

docker build -t phone-combinations .

5. Run the Docker Container

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name phone-combinations --restart unless-stopped phone-combinations

6. Verify Deployment

Ensure the container is running:

docker ps

7. Test the Endpoint

From your local machine, test the endpoint using the server’s IP address:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"phoneNumber": "23"}' \

Replace server-ip with the actual IP address of your server.


Check Logs

If the application is not working as expected, view the container logs:

docker logs phone-combinations

Rebuild the Image

If you make changes to the code, rebuild the Docker image:

docker build -t phone-combinations .