Documentation skeleton generator tool for students of Principles of Information Systems course on FIIT STU.
- Author: Martin Kalužník
- License: MIT
- Export project as .twx file.
- Pass path to exported file as command line argument to this tool (or simply drag and drop it on compiled binary).
- Generated text can be found in folder with original .twx file with .txt extension.
Get loans data - systémová úloha
reminderType - unknown
teamToken - TeamToken
loansData - LoanData
Webová služba: Get loan records after return date
Názov služby: LibraryServices
Metóda služby: getBookLoanRecordsAfterReturnDate
teamToken - TeamToken
date - string
loanRecordsAfterReturnDate - ArrayOfLoanRecordsAfterReturnDate
Skript: Increase book index
Skript: Copy loan records
Rozhodovací blok: Has all loan record data?
- User tasks are generated and labeled as system tasks, filter them manually.
- Individual services/scripts/decisions within specific task are generated in arbitrary order, sort them manually as necessary.
- Type of system task input/output variables for builtin types (string, int, ...) is "unknown".