Vim Refined by Resources. "vim + vim-res = VimRFD"

Primary LanguageVim script


Vim ReFineD By Resources.


you can also use [Vim|RFD] or "Vim1RFD" in ascii-art way .

The Big Vim Brother Is Watching You


  • checkout corresponding branch, like Mac OS X is vim-on-mac
cd .vim
git init
git commit -a -m "first commit and prepare for merging"
git remote add origin https://github.com/f911/vimfiles.git
git pull 

after some merge you can push to your own forks

  • update submodules and install vim-plug

You can use choose Vundle instead, which is also a greate vim plugin manager. But vim-plug is seems to be a better choice by now, with faster speed and more update.

git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ~/.vim/vim-plug
ln plug.vim ../autoload/plug.vim
  • update plugins

open vim / gvim / mvim


Vim A Real Big Game For Coder

It seems that the "vim" could turns out to be a big game with endless adventures and tasks for us, rather than a simple text editor. But the "vim" is in essence a simple text editor. The first time you enter the game, "vim" is a innocent role, the last time you leave the game, "vim" becomes a blazeding one, leaving both hateful and lovely but precious experiences for you. Though there are many other fairly good editors like emacs, UEStudio, EditPlus, EmEditor, EverEditor, and so on, brings you enjoyment for some periods, the "vim" should be the last and ever editor for you. For the sake of old hard times, for the sake of working on servers for servering public, for the sake of contribution and aspiration. "vim" is the King of editor, and the King Arthur in coder's Rounds.

--- a vim player

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