Python library template

Documentation | Github repo

A python library template with a few pre-configured tools. For the minimimum required changes, copy the folder structure, edit for the name of the library, change the mylib/ folder to the name of the new library and it's ready. Preconfigured dev tools:


To manage installation and dev tools, the template has a Makefile. (See Make for Windows)

> make help
install        Install the library and dependencies
install-dev    Install in editable mode with dev. dependencies
test           Run pytest
format         Run formatting tools
lint           Run linters and formatting tools (no edits)
docs           Build the docs


Document changes in, following Keep a changelog and Semantic versioning.


The documentation is generated with Sphinx, configured in docs_src/, and uses Sphinx-gallery to generate notebook-style examples from source code in examples/.

The source of the is in docs_src/ and gets compiled to docs/ with make docs for easy publication with Github pages. If you are not using Github pages, you should .gitignore the documentation output.

A ReadTheDocs config file is also present, in .readthedocs.yml, if you wish to publish there. RTD uses its theme by default, whereas a local run of Sphinx needs to be told to use the ReadTheDocs theme. To publish on RTD, you need to comment out the following line in docs_src/

html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"


PyTest is configured to run the tests in test/ using make test.


The template comes with a configuration of Black (black.toml) compatible with isort (.isort.cfg).

Use make format to format the source, or install one of the editor integration to have automatic formatting.


Code linting with Flake8 (.flake8), which includes PyFlakes (linting) McCabe (complexity) and pycodestyle (style). Documentation linting with Darglint (linting) pydocstyle (style).

Run with make lint. make install-dev installs a git hook to lint before commits.