Angular Component From Template

You are probably asking to yourself...

Why the hell did I bump in here?!

Why should I install another s****y vscode extension?

You will answer by yourself in a couple of moments; just let me explain! How many times you said "I will split my gigantic Angular component into smaller ones later, I promise..."?

If the answer is "never", or just "sometimes", there are two possible scenarios

  1. You are literally perfect. You do not even know what procrastination is
  2. As 90% of programmers, you are lazy. That's it šŸ¤­

Now that only real Angular devs are here, let's deep dive into what this extension deals with.


  • You can create a new angular component starting of the highlighted text

  • If you hit Copy Relative Path over the destination folder in vscode, you will be asked to confirm to use it for later



Extension Settings

Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.

For example:

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • myExtension.enable: Enable/disable this extension.
  • myExtension.thing: Set to blah to do something.

Known Issues

Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.

Release Notes

Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.


Initial release
