documentation of backend of DoctorG

Admin API Routes Documentation

The Admin API provides routes for managing doctors, appointments, and system visibility. Below are the details of each available route, including their endpoints, required middlewares, and descriptions.

Base URL: /api/admin

1. Add a Doctor
  • Endpoint: /add-doctor
  • Method: POST
  • Middleware: authAdmin, upload.single('image')
  • Handler: addDoctor
  • Description: This route allows the admin to add a new doctor to the system. The admin must provide the doctor's details and upload an image. The route is protected by authAdmin middleware to ensure only authenticated admins can access it.

Example Request Body:

  "name": "Dr. John Doe",
  "specialization": "Cardiology",
  "experience": 10,
  "email": ""

2. Admin Login
  • Endpoint: /login
  • Method: POST
  • Handler: loginAdmin
  • Description: Admin can log in using this route by providing valid credentials (email and password). On successful login, the server returns a JWT token to be used for authenticating further requests.

Example Request Body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "password123"

3. Get All Doctors
  • Endpoint: /all-doctors
  • Method: GET
  • Middleware: authAdmin
  • Handler: AllDoctors
  • Description: This route returns a list of all doctors registered in the system, including their details like name, specialization, experience, and availability status. Only authenticated admins can access this data.

4. Change Doctor Visibility (Availability)
  • Endpoint: /change-visibility
  • Method: POST
  • Middleware: authAdmin
  • Handler: changeAvailablity
  • Description: This route allows the admin to change a doctor's availability status (i.e., visible/available for appointments or not). Only authenticated admins can modify this setting.

Example Request Body:

  "doctorId": "12345",
  "isAvailable": true

5. Get All Appointments
  • Endpoint: /appointments
  • Method: GET
  • Middleware: authAdmin
  • Handler: appointmentAdmin
  • Description: This route returns all appointments in the system, including their status (pending, completed, canceled). Admins can track appointments and oversee the entire appointment lifecycle.

6. Cancel an Appointment
  • Endpoint: /cancel-appointment
  • Method: PUT
  • Middleware: authAdmin
  • Handler: cancelByAdmin
  • Description: Admins can cancel any pending appointment using this route. The admin must provide the appointment ID, and the system will mark it as canceled.

Example Request Body:

  "appointmentId": "67890"

7. Admin Dashboard Data
  • Endpoint: /admin-dashboard
  • Method: GET
  • Middleware: authAdmin
  • Handler: adminDashbord
  • Description: This route provides an overview of the system's key metrics, such as the number of doctors, users, appointments, and revenue. Admins use this dashboard for monitoring the system's overall performance.

Middleware Explanation

  • authAdmin: Middleware to authenticate admin users by verifying the JWT token provided during login.
  • upload.single('image'): Middleware for handling image uploads when adding new doctors. This is used to attach a doctor's profile image.

How to Use

  1. Make sure to include the JWT token in the Authorization header for all routes that require authAdmin.
    Authorization: Bearer <token>
  2. Use appropriate HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT) based on the endpoint.

Doctor API Routes Documentation

The Doctor API provides routes for doctors to manage their profiles, appointments, and view system analytics. Below is a list of available routes, including their endpoints, required middlewares, and descriptions.

Base URL:

1. Get List of Doctors
  • Endpoint: /list
  • Method: GET
  • Handler: DoctorsList
  • Description: This route retrieves a list of all available doctors in the system. The list includes basic details such as name, specialization, and availability.

2. Doctor Login
  • Endpoint: /login
  • Method: POST
  • Handler: LoginDoctor
  • Description: This route allows doctors to log in by providing their credentials (email and password). After successful login, the server returns a JWT token to be used for authenticating subsequent requests.

Example Request Body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "password123"

3. View Doctor's Appointments
  • Endpoint: /appointments
  • Method: GET
  • Middleware: authDoctor
  • Handler: DoctorAppointments
  • Description: This route returns a list of all upcoming appointments for the authenticated doctor. The list includes patient details, appointment times, and appointment status.

4. Mark Appointment as Complete
  • Endpoint: /appointment-complete
  • Method: POST
  • Middleware: authDoctor
  • Handler: appointmentCompleted
  • Description: This route allows a doctor to mark a scheduled appointment as completed. It requires the appointment ID to update its status in the system.

Example Request Body:

  "appointmentId": "12345"

5. Cancel Appointment
  • Endpoint: /appointment-cancel
  • Method: POST
  • Middleware: authDoctor
  • Handler: appointmentCancelledByDoctor
  • Description: This route allows a doctor to cancel a pending appointment. The doctor must provide the appointment ID to cancel it. Once canceled, the appointment will be marked as unavailable for the patient.

Example Request Body:

  "appointmentId": "67890"

6. Doctor Dashboard Data
  • Endpoint: /dashboard
  • Method: GET
  • Middleware: authDoctor
  • Handler: DoctorDashBoard
  • Description: This route provides key metrics for the authenticated doctor, such as total appointments, completed consultations, and earnings. Doctors use this dashboard to monitor their performance.

Middleware Explanation

  • authDoctor: Middleware to authenticate doctors by verifying the JWT token provided during login.

How to Use

  1. Ensure the JWT token is included in the Authorization header for routes requiring authDoctor.
    Authorization: Bearer <token>
  2. Use appropriate HTTP methods (POST, GET) depending on the endpoint.

This section documents the doctorsRouter routes to help developers understand the API functionalities for doctors in the system.

User (Patient) API Routes Documentation

The User API provides routes for patients to manage their accounts, profiles, appointments, and payments. Below is a list of available routes, including their endpoints, required middlewares, and descriptions.

Base URL: /api/user

1. Register a New User
  • Endpoint: /register
  • Method: POST
  • Handler: registerUser
  • Description: This route allows new patients to register by providing necessary personal details such as name, email, and password.

Example Request Body:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "",
  "password": "password123"

2. User Login
  • Endpoint: /login
  • Method: POST
  • Handler: loginUser
  • Description: Users can log in by providing valid credentials (email and password). Upon successful login, the system returns a JWT token for authenticating further requests.

Example Request Body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "password123"

3. Get User Profile
  • Endpoint: /profile
  • Method: GET
  • Middleware: authUser
  • Handler: getUserProfile
  • Description: This route allows authenticated users to view their profile details, including name, and contact information.

4. Edit User Profile
  • Endpoint: /profile/edit
  • Method: PUT
  • Middleware: [upload.single('image'), authUser]
  • Handler: updateUser
  • Description: Authenticated users can update their profile details such as name, contact information, and upload a new profile picture using this route.

Example Request Body:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "phone": "+1234567890"

5. List User Appointments
  • Endpoint: /appointments
  • Method: GET
  • Middleware: authUser
  • Handler: listAppointment
  • Description: This route retrieves a list of all upcoming and past appointments for the authenticated user. It includes appointment details such as date, time, and doctor information.

6. Cancel an Appointment
  • Endpoint: /cancel-appointment
  • Method: PUT
  • Middleware: authUser
  • Handler: cancelAppointment
  • Description: This route allows users to cancel their upcoming appointments by providing the appointment ID.

Example Request Body:


7. Payment via Razorpay
  • Endpoint: /payment-razorpay
  • Method: POST
  • Middleware: authUser
  • Handler: paymentRazopay
  • Description: This route allows users to initiate payments using Razorpay for their booked appointments or other services.

Example Request Body:

  "amount": 500,
  "currency": "INR"

8. Verify Razorpay Payment
  • Endpoint: /verifyRazorpay
  • Method: POST
  • Middleware: authUser
  • Handler: verifyRazorpayment
  • Description: After completing a payment through Razorpay, users can verify the payment status with this route. The server checks whether the payment was successful or failed.

Example Request Body:

  "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_29QQoUBi66xm2f",
  "razorpay_order_id": "order_9A33XWu170gUtm",
  "razorpay_signature": "5ad72s0fb23edf9c6f10c843e123b98f48e576f2"

Middleware Explanation

  • authUser: Middleware that authenticates users by verifying the JWT token provided during login.
  • upload.single('image'): Middleware for handling image uploads, such as updating a user's profile picture.

How to Use

  1. Ensure the JWT token is included in the Authorization header for routes requiring authUser.
    Authorization: Bearer <token>
  2. Use appropriate HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT) depending on the endpoint.

This section documents the userRouter routes, giving a clear overview of the functionalities available to patients in the system. Here’s a README section for the appointmentRouter route:

Appointment API Routes Documentation

The Appointment API allows users to book and manage their healthcare appointments. Below is the documentation for the available routes related to appointments.

Base URL: /appointment

1. Book an Appointment
  • Endpoint: /booked
  • Method: POST
  • Middleware: authUser
  • Handler: bookAppointment
  • Description: This route allows authenticated users to book a new appointment with a doctor. The user must provide the required details, including the doctor's ID and preferred appointment date/time.

Example Request Body:

  "doctorId": "12345",
  "appointmentDate": "2024-10-20T14:00:00",
  "reason": "Consultation"

Middleware Explanation

  • authUser: Middleware that ensures only authenticated users can access the route by verifying the JWT token.

How to Use

  1. Include the JWT token in the Authorization header when calling the route.
    Authorization: Bearer <token>
  2. Use the POST method to book an appointment, ensuring that all required details (doctor ID, date, etc.) are included in the request body.

This section documents the appointmentRouter for booking appointments in the system.