
fetch API in JS | Vanilla JS Learning Project

Primary LanguageCSS

Fetching API and display on browser using vanilla JS


the clocktailDB

Usng API

List all cocktails by first letter

Object Demo
            "idDrink": "17222",
            "strDrink": "A1",
            "strDrinkAlternate": null,
            "strTags": null,
            "strVideo": null,
            "strCategory": "Cocktail",
            "strIBA": null,
            "strAlcoholic": "Alcoholic",
            "strGlass": "Cocktail glass",
            "strInstructions": "Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker, mix and serve over ice into a chilled glass.",
            "strInstructionsES": "Vierta todos los ingredientes en una coctelera, mezcle y sirva con hielo en un vaso frío.",
            "strInstructionsDE": "Alle Zutaten in einen Cocktailshaker geben, mischen und über Eis in ein gekühltes Glas servieren.",
            "strInstructionsFR": null,
            "strInstructionsIT": "Versare tutti gli ingredienti in uno shaker, mescolare e servire con ghiaccio in un bicchiere freddo.",
            "strInstructionsZH-HANS": null,
            "strInstructionsZH-HANT": null,
            "strDrinkThumb": "https://www.thecocktaildb.com/images/media/drink/2x8thr1504816928.jpg",
            "strIngredient1": "Gin",
            "strIngredient2": "Grand Marnier",
            "strIngredient3": "Lemon Juice",
            "strIngredient4": "Grenadine",
            "strIngredient5": null,
            "strIngredient6": null,
            "strIngredient7": null,
            "strIngredient8": null,
            "strIngredient9": null,
            "strIngredient10": null,
            "strIngredient11": null,
            "strIngredient12": null,
            "strIngredient13": null,
            "strIngredient14": null,
            "strIngredient15": null,
            "strMeasure1": "1 3/4 shot ",
            "strMeasure2": "1 Shot ",
            "strMeasure3": "1/4 Shot",
            "strMeasure4": "1/8 Shot",
            "strMeasure5": null,
            "strMeasure6": null,
            "strMeasure7": null,
            "strMeasure8": null,
            "strMeasure9": null,
            "strMeasure10": null,
            "strMeasure11": null,
            "strMeasure12": null,
            "strMeasure13": null,
            "strMeasure14": null,
            "strMeasure15": null,
            "strImageSource": null,
            "strImageAttribution": null,
            "strCreativeCommonsConfirmed": "No",
            "dateModified": "2017-09-07 21:42:09"
specail thnks for API = TheCocktailDB Team

file structure

  • asset
    • image
  • src
    • displayDrinks.js
    • DisplaySingleDrink.js
    • fetchDrinks.js
    • getElement.js
    • presentDrinks.js
    • searchForm.js
    • setDrink.js
    • toggleLoading.js
  • index.html
  • style.css
  • app.js

html structure

  1. index.html
  • head
  • css
  • body
    • form.search-form
      • h2 (heading)
      • input
    • section.section.cocktails
      • article.loading
        • img
      • h2.title
      • div.section-center
    • script {type="module"}