
An experiment to try to make solid-app-router work with jest tests

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Experiment to write jest tests for solid-app-router

The tests in mytest.test.tsx work, but the test in router.test.tsx fail due to Syntax Error: the import statement in solid-app-router/dist/index.js is not recognized.

As far as I can understand, that should be fixed as babel-jest should be applied to solid-app-router as I excluded it from the ignore patterns using transforMIgnorePatterns in jest.config.js. But it doesn't seem to have any effect. In fact, if I disable transformIgnorePatterns so everything is ignored in /node_modules, everything still works. The default solid-jest preset includes for transform everything under solid-js, but it seems to have no effect in making things work. I suspect it still works because solid-js/web uses .cjs

To ensure maximum control I've deconstructed the presets babel-preset-solid as well as solid-jest into this package.